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Recognized Athlete - Jaime "Ham" Hernandez

By CUSAW, 12/18/23, 10:15AM MST


What is your favorite sport, and how did you get started?

Wrestling, Grew up watching my brother wrestle I’m now 6 and have been wrestling since I was 4!

Can you share a recent accomplishment that you're really proud of?

1st Place at King and Queen Of The Mountain

How did it feel to achieve this goal?

Really good because I practice a lot.

What do you enjoy most about practicing and training?

Learning new moves and being with friends

Do you have any favorite drills or exercises?

Yes shooting drills

Do you have a favorite athlete or sports hero who inspires you?

Austin Desantos

Can you share a favorite team memory?

Out of town trips to tournaments

What's your all-time favorite moment in wrestling?

Pinning and when my hand is raised

What are your goals for the future in wrestling?

I want to become a state champion in High School

What's your favorite snack to eat before or after competition/practice?


What do you enjoy most about being active and playing sports?

Being with friends, winning medals and trophies, accomplishing goals

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