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Recognized Athlete - Brayden Sebold

By CUSAW, 11/29/23, 9:15AM MST


What is your favorite sport, and how did you get started?

My favorite sport is wrestling, I used to wrestle when I was younger and when I moved here to Colorado from Nebraska I forgot about it. But then I in 7th grade I joined the middle school wrestling team and fell in love with the sport.

Can you share a recent accomplishment that you're really proud of?

The most recent accomplishment that I’m most proud of is being a double all-American and Kids Nationals.

How did it feel to achieve this goal?

After achieving this, It felt amazing, all the work I have put in the past 3 years it has finally started showing in tournaments.

What do you enjoy most about practicing and training?

I enjoy going live at practice with my coaches because I know it’s not serious so I can just have fun.

Do you have any favorite drills or exercises?

My favorite drill is any shooting drill, My favorite Exercises are Squat, Bench, and Cleaning.

Can you share a favorite team memory?

My favorite team memory is from School-Boy National Duels, when we where play slap back before one of our duels.

What's your all-time favorite moment in wrestling?

My all time favorite moment is when I won my first state title this past year in greco.

What are your goals for the future in wrestling?

My biggest goal is to be a World Champion but for this year it is to be a undefeated State Champion.

What's your favorite snack to eat before or after competition/practice?

I don’t usually eat a lot before competitions but I like going to chik-fil-a before a tournament and getting chicken minis.

What do you enjoy most about being active and playing sports?

I enjoy the dopamine it gives me, it just makes me super positive and wanna get stuff done

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